The element is one of the most important form element in HTML. Update of April 2019 collection. HTML form design examples with lots of useful form fields and interactive elements will help you make a user-friendly form. HTML5 also allows you to specify a form using the form attribute. Let's face it, HTML forms are integral part of the web, it's a powerful and crucial tool for interacting with users. To use the code, copy it straight from the text box and paste it into your own website. They can be used for different kinds of user inputs, such as name, email etc. Listed here we will show you Free HTML5 Form Templates, you could think free to download this sample form templates and it is also feasible to add or edit any textual content or area in these form. This results in a more compact form because no extra space is required for the labels. Since this form is originally designed for the donation page, you have related form fields and elements. This page contains examples of HTML forms - examples of form-specific code that you can use for your own website. A web form's HTML is made up of one or more form controls (sometimes called widgets), plus some additional elements to help structure the overall form — they are often referred to as HTML forms. However, simply removing the