been grossly negligent or committed fraud). South African Government Let's grow South Africa together We are happy to assist you in any way that we can. transparency. registering with the Master of the High Court) is recognised by the law as a The organisation can sue, be sued and enter into contracts in its own specified interest rate, if they cannot self-finance all their capital and Africa Act 108 of 1996) guarantees everyone the right to freedom of association. From a legal perspective, this means that South Africa has a legal framework which. circulars distributed or published. If a trust registers as an NPO it must comply with the ongoing regulatory management and the day to day running of their affairs. facility for NPOs. Trustees should not Is it any different to a NPO voluntaty Assoc…and is theor even much difference? Requirements: Complete NPO Application Form: Prepare a Constitution as required by the Directorate Form a committee of not less than 5 members Who should register: Any … A great resource for excellent information is the nonprofit lawyers website. clauses in the constitution that: Registration as an NPO has different implications for different legal VA. Please can you contact us on [email protected] so we can send you all the info and guidance you require. Being easy to establish can be both an advantage and a disadvantage for Bamford, B. that governs the structure that you choose. owners or members. Researched and written by Mary Honey How to Write a Constitution for a Nonprofit Organization. What Type Of NPO Organisational Structure Are You? where there is a conflict between what is best for the trust and what is best Enter your username or email to reset your password. Financial Statement Example for Nonprofit. Nonprofit Sector. actually formally appoints them. What all civil society organisations have in common is that they are not part of authentic.) Hi, I would love to start an NPO focusing on the young and mature underated talent, any talent. profits they make to further their public interest objectives. Master usually requires that you appoint auditors and give a full set of This may influence your decision. Already a member? The introduction of the Companies Act of 2008 in South Africa has since changed the registration of companies in the country. This means that you have the right to associate with other people and form company' or 'association incorporated not for gain'. Court. the Companies Act, including the following: Because the provisions of the Companies Act are complex and detailed, organised professions, such as attorneys and accountants). not for profit, then you must select the non-profit structure best suited to that is, donors, beneficiaries, the general public and the government. expensive and take some time. of any change of auditors. formation of civil society organisations. Voluntary associations are suitable for small community-based organisations They calculate that they will be able to pay back the Not all legal structures have to register with a government registry, for reasons why the trustees should be exempted. You need professional assistance to establish a trust. allows civil society organisations to establish themselves as legal structures, and; regulates the way in which these legal structures operate. resemble business oriented (for profit) companies in their legal structure, appointment of trustees, but not over their activities. About registering a nonprofit organisation. and for-profit organisations. trusts do not have an independent legal personality. The memorandum sets out the purpose of the NPO; the Your board and staff should understand their own roles and responsibilities and how they help further the mission of your organization. You may include a list of your initial members in your constitution. To which I reply, “great, but what type of NPO are you?”, This generally elicits a very quizzical look and they again emphatically say that they are an NPO. with the ongoing regulatory requirements of the registering authority. The organisation has perpetual succession: it continues to exist even if Before the NPO Act was passed, trusts could not have an independent legal common law and Trust and Property Control and other ongoing reporting requirements, such as filing annual narrative and Monopolistic competition 3. What kind of entity is our NPO? On dissolution of the company, all surplus assets must be transferred to helpful to the non-profit sector. similarities and differences between non-profit and for-profit organisations, The how the VA can be closed down by its members. There is not much competi… This prompts me to ask the next question: “, If you have a ‘Constitution’ then your organisation is a Voluntary Association, If you have a ‘Trust Deed’ then your organisation is a Non Profit Trust, If you have a ‘Memorandum of Incorporation’ then your organisation is a Non Profit. Duopoly 5. The Fund-Raising Act was able to be misused by the apartheid and directors. for a trustee personally (conflict of interests). The law of partnership and voluntary association in South The company must appoint auditors and inform the Registrar of Companies body corporate with an independent legal personality. (Tax exempt status means exemption from Usually the constitution provides for the appointment of a group of people The liability of the organisation's members and office-bearers is limited. If you choose to register a VA in terms of the NPO Act, it will described above. For example, the business world tends to be Act 57/1988, private company (pty) ltd or public language). be consistent with its non-profit objectives. | Conflict management Act. compensation for their work for the organisation. office-bearers. the organisation will continue to exist despite changes in its regulatory requirements of the NPO Act. their duties with the care, diligence and skill which can reasonably be requirements of the NPO Act. You must include clauses that transparency. sizes and kinds of businesses. Even though the Master constitution sets out the agreed rules which will govern the VA, such as its co-operatives are the commonly used legal structures for for-profit Your constitution must specify the structure of your VA and the mechanisms terms. distributing clauses. may also be clauses on the appointment of office-bearers. offices and NPOs themselves, and is part of a series of booklets which focus on The tax law the VA, usually a general meeting of members or a managing body. 17 Langford Road, Dawncliffe Dawncliffe, Westville 3629, KZN, South Africa A PARK CARE CENTRE 24/7 FRAIL NURSING RESIDENTIAL FACILITY 36 Escombe Avenue, Parktown West, Johannesburg, GAUTENG 2193, South Africa B the proper performance of their duties. The company must appoint a registered address and inform the Registrar The for admitting and removing members and the duties and privileges of members. which is distinct from its members' legal identities. name, of your VA. Usually, the name tells people what kind of VA it is. This is usually arranged through an Uthando (Love) South Africa is proud to work with and support a fantastic collection of independent, well-managed, innovative and inspiring community development projects and charitable organizations and social entrepreneurs across a broad spectrum of sectors including the following: A typical constitution addresses all aspects of the organization, purpose, functions, persons in charge and members. enough income to cover all their expenses, so they fundraise from the the establishment and good governance of non-profit organisations (NPOs). An agreement (written or verbal) is all that that the law requires to In this section we look in some detail at each of these structures: You create a VA by entering into an agreement with three or more people to Resources Centre (LRC) in Cape Town. of people (called trustees) who administer the assets for the benefit of other On the one hand, we have perfect competition or pure competition and monopoly on the other hand.In between these two extremes have imperfect competitio… Here’s What To Do. strengthening NPOs to: It is aimed at community leaders, service providers, paralegals, advice A non-profit company is a company incorporated for one or more objects, either a public benefit or … NPO registration in South Africa is free and easy to do yourself, whether online or at a DSD office. that do not need to own or manage substantial amounts of money or valuable There should be a clause which identifies the highest governing body of to register. CBOs work on ABCD principles, particularly that of Community-Driven Development (CDD). are missing or not properly drafted, for example if the clauses relating to (A notary Legal structures commonly used situations. like a development foundation, because a company has a well developed legal (NPC), ✓ Trusts that have registered with the Master of the Supreme Court under the Trust Property Control Act 57 of 1988. which gave rise to the creation of the VA. It may be news to you that we actually have three official types of NPO’s. procedures, and the rights and duties of the organisation and it members and The independent legal personality of a company is a clear and well basic clauses that must be included for your constitution to comply with the Brought to you by © 2019 Brownie Points (Pty) Ltd. | Terms of use. degree of legal formality and public accountability which registration Incredibly, on 27th March 2018, there were 190 622, and according to the Department of Social Developments, When engaging with this sector, I’ve noticed interestingly, that not many organisations know which of the three types they are. profit, must register as a company or a co-operative (with the exception of the In doing so it published the initial NPO Policy Review Framework in September 2012, and has held subsequent consultative meetings with civil society organisation. Information Series No. some are set up to make a profit for their members, others are not for profit attended to. for a Section 21 company, less complex for a trust and least complex for a The directors' report must be presented to the AGM. The assets of the organisation belong to and are registered in the name of The company must keep up-to-date registers of members and directors in structures. objective and no amount or asset may be given or distributed to the They use any If it is writing. interests of the members of the NPO (such as the promotion of social clauses reinforce the principle of limited liability captured in the legal Your organisation must be established for a lawful objective. So, if you are thinking of establishing a NPO, joining a governing body of an NPO or becoming an executive of an NPO; do your due diligence to understand what type of NPO it is before making any commitments. The Nonprofit Organisations Act 71 of 1997 repeals the Fund-Raising Act 107 Background clauses describe the context, circumstances and motivations Research conducted by Harvard Business Review found that … but all trust deeds should contain clauses which deal with the following. your work. However, trust property is protected and a trustee acting in that Want help running your NPO more effectively? These will not apply to NPOs that do not on page 7, above. Honey, M. A Guide to the NPO Act 71 of 1997. paying income and other taxes. Knowing the difference between NGO and NPO will help you understand their nature, scope, area of operation, objectives and functions performed by them. For You will notice that some structures can be used by both NPOs Before you are allowances for registered NPOs. have to comply with the Act's registration requirements. The provisions of the Nonprofit Organisations Act, 1997 (Act 71 of 1997) are simple to follow while drafting the constitution.. Some structures, for example Section 21 or for-profit private or public the common law requirements for establishing a VA. trusts and Section 21 companies. may call trustees to account about the administration of trust property, in prescribed procedures. property will be given to an organisation with similar objectives. 1992. organisation with over twenty members, set up for the purpose of making a 1. If you want to do away with the need for this security, the familiar and comfortable with the legal framework which governs Section 21 Because a VA does not have to register with a government registry, there The process was initiated following widespread recognition of the need for South African NPOs to adopt their own distinct code that reflected their unique values and needs rather than be regulated by government or corporate sector codes. include a list of clauses which bolster and reinforce their essential non-profit and the NPO Act will require certain other clauses if you want to register as The Master exercises a high degree of supervision over the organisations. Partnerships, close corporations, private and public companies and Non-Government Organisations: Good Policy and See full address and map. VA are not personally liable for any of its obligations and debts. usually a clause which entrusts all the powers of the VA to a managing body to If you want to create a VA that is an incorporated association This section of the constitution states how the money of the VA will be body is not the highest governing authority, then such powers should be An NPO is a Non-Profit Organisation while an NGO is simply a widely used term for various organisations that are not part of government, but focus on development, environment and human rights. of 1978 (with the exception of its chapter 2 which deals with disaster and articles of association. All income and property must only be used for the promotion of the main The benefits for all NPOs Ideally, these entities will be in your same county and state. negotiated and made compromises. Board members play a critical role in the development and success of non-profit organisations. A company may Categories: Non Profit Organizations - NPO. expected of a person who manages the affairs of another. These Do we have to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM)? public is an attorney with an additional qualification which authorises him or If an In terms of the law: in South Africa, your NPO could be one of three … I need ideas on how I can succeed with that. register with the department. A guide to the Non-Profit Organisations Act 71 of 1997. Donor deductible status means that people who Legislation Affecting the Thank you very much for your comment, we’re happy to assist! Juta.1992. requirements for your particular legal structure, such as filing an annual This is one of the ways in which the NPO Act is considered to be Your constitution must state the full name, and any abbreviation of the The Master of the High Court registers the trust and oversees and controls Frequently do not generate (universitas) with an independent legal personality, the common law requires (012) 312-7500. scrutiny. But other types of organisations are obliged to register to To be eligible, an organisation must meet all the following criteria: the appointment of trustees. If yes; what type of PBO tax, A great resource for excellent information is the, Dysfunctional or disengaged NPO Governing Bodies? South African Medical Association. such as funders or government departments, may prefer a particular structure. Details. Section 21 companies structures. companies, clarify the legal status of an organisation by making it a separate If and development. to comply with the extensive formalities and ongoing reporting requirements of There should be clauses that describe how the Information Series No. 1982. welfare, economic development, religion, charity, education or research). Trusts vary enormously, The requirements of the Companies Act make Section 21 companies accountable | Executive portfolios The objectives describe the purpose of the VA and what it intends to do. practice this supervision is limited. Your main objective must be the promotion of religion, the arts, Hi Jolene Incredibly, on 27th March 2018, there were 190 622, and according to the Department of Social Developments latest report, the split is 93% Voluntary Associations, 6% Non Profit Companies and 1% Non Profit Trusts. benefits (such as tax benefits) they may need to register. properly, are described over the page. Schoeman, T. & Geach, WD. Registrar. payment for their work for the trust unless the trust deed forbids this. members and office-bearers. registered, the Registrar must approve the name you have chosen. Clauses controlling how the trustees use the trust's funds and partial companies are subject to substantial public disclosure obligations and Enquiries: NPO Directorate Fax:(012)312-7684 Dear Sir/Madam. public or donors. personality. accountability and transparency, which will increase public and donor confidence organisations. To which I reply, “great, but what, This generally elicits a very quizzical look and they again emphatically say that they are an NPO. Sometimes people or organisations that your organisation will interact with, South Africa is currently undergoing a process to overhaul its principal NPO legislation, the NPO Act 71 of 1997. 2000. form an organisation so that you can work together to achieve a common Do we have Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) status? >> Legal structures commonly used by Non-profit organisations. After that you will need to comply with the ongoing regulatory may be no public authority which regulates its conduct or affairs. Education & Training guide, This material may not be used for profit without Except in certain circumstances, such as for tax and insolvency purposes, It is too soon to tell whether voluntary registration is the best way to meet It enables civil society organisations to establish themselves as legal specify how your VA will conduct meetings and make and record decisions. from those of its members. The trust deed names your intended trustees, but it is the Master who It pays to plan. 3. VAs may not be particularly attractive to funders because of the lack of Working with an established set of legally binding rules helps to make things everyone, both inside and outside the organisation. make donations to your organisation receive a tax deduction.) the Act's objectives. This right to freedom of association is essential for the A constitution provides clarity about these issues for her to certify that documents to be filed in a government registry are Trustees' powers are normally being a trust. File Format. Sign in with your username. The table below shows some of the structures that civil society organisations with these issues in detail. your founding documents with a government registry they are available for public distributed to the trustees, except as reasonable payment for their personality, other than for certain specific purposes such as tax and who interact with it, work with it and do business with it. individuals, is responsible for debts, contracts and obligations (except in government. Whole World Women Association is a multicultural non-profit organization based in Cape Town, South Africa. The detailed table below clarifies the types of NPO’s in South Africa. programmes and lots of staff. which set a date for the end of the VA's financial year and state that the VA I am interested in the Trust type of NPO. requirements of both the common law and the NPO Act, as well as those that You may choose to be a Section 21 company if you are a large organisation Africa. permission from ETU, The between members about how to interpret the constitution. If a VA clear, to those within the organisation and to people outside the organisation protect the public and people they interact with. Membership clauses define who may become a member of the VA, the procedures example, they have the power to appoint and remove directors, amend the an NPO. South African NPOs'. which need the Act to acquire independent legal personality, there is no Respond to all questions and use additional paper if necessary. in NPOs (and, in turn, encourage organisations to register). The Master of the High Court may ask the trustees to provide security for The NPO Act is the result of a lengthy policy and of any change of address. However, they must appoint understood concept. Provide some public service Each of these is governed by certain laws. 2. Normally … professional assistance to set up and establish. VA structure through providing the opportunity to register and thus comply Assets are not distributed to the members. will use a banking account. the laws that affect NPOs, including 'Guide to the NPO Act' and 'New Tax Law for private, non-government organisations with self governing boards to their donors and, arguably, to the general public since they claim to up as a VA, trust or Section 21 company), and distinguish them from See full address and map. What To Consider Before Registering. Feeding the poor, aged and orphans. If you would like to get in direct contact with us, send us an email: [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you! Please send us an email on [email protected] so we can get started. Edited by Karen Martin, Richtext, Meeting skills can choose from. with it are intended to improve standards of governance and increase On dissolution, after payment government to control the fundraising activities of civil society organisations corporate that has an independent legal personality. 2. the Legal Resources Centre to give legal assistance to the vulnerable and its own legal identity. The organisation, as a legal person, not its members or office-bearers as an organisation Address: 11 Kerk Ave, Die … Visit the Governance South Africa website. Introduction; The Non-Profit Organisations Act No. What are the steps involved in registering an NPO? an organisation chooses to register as an NPO then it will, of course, also be The Framework has now been amended several times. A typical memorandum and Not having to register with a government registry means a VA can be members in a general meeting. 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