ORDER - The year of allotment and inter-se-seniority re-fixed of the SFS Officers of UTTARAKHAND Cadre of IFS against the Select List 2002 to 2011, order dated 26.11.2018 Statistical Officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Administrative Officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Assistant Accountant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Asst_statistical officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF auditor AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Chief Administrative Officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Chief Personal Officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF draughtsman AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Driver AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Head Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF head draughtsman AS ON 01-07-2017(Antim), SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Administrative Officer AS ON 01-07-2017(Antim), SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF senior auditor AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Personal Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Forest guard AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Ranger AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Deputy Ranger AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Accountant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Assistant Accountant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Additional Statistical officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Assistant Statistical officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Auditor AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Chief Personnel Officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Personnel Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Draughtsman AS ON 01-07-2017. The above seniority lists are uploaded in the website of Telangana Forest Department. Anantim Seniority List of Senior Personal Assistant. Uttarakhand Government Portal, India. Uttarakhand Forest Department. Retail rates of Timber (21 species) in Govt Timber Depot. 18-05-2020, Letter regarding "Action Plan" for Budget release of financial year 2020-2021 03-04-2020. RR-2007 Shri Sunil Kumar Meena RR-2007 Shri Yogender Singh Rawat SPS-2007 Smt Nivedita Kukreti kumar RR-2008 Ms. P. Renuka Devi RR-2008 Compendium of important SROs/Circulars/Orders & Notifications . NOTE- वन दरोगाओं की दिनांक ०१.०७.२०१९ की स्थिति पर प्राप्त प्रत्यावेदन के निस्तारण हेतु बैठक का कार्यवृत्त, -->Anantim Seniority List of foresters dated 12-02-2020. 18-05-2020, Letter regarding "Action Plan" for Budget release of financial year 2020-2021 03-04-2020. 300 Forest Guard will be recruited in Uttarakhand Forest Department. SENIORITY LIST OF Assistant Accountant AS ON 01-07-2016. To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then try again. Download ; Statistical Assistant (Additional Statistical Officer) Seniority List (Lt. No. SENIORITY LIST OF ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT AS ON 01-07-2016. Chief Personal Officer and Personal Officer. Final Seniority List Male-2010-11 to 2013-14 165 KB H.M. Advertisement for JRF:O/o Conservator/Working Plan Officer Unit-1(Kumaun Region) 04-12-2020, Question-55 Vidhan Sabha-Van Panchayat 22-09-2020, Application form for training of Bird /Nature Guide in growth center at Munsyari:O/o DFO(Pithoragarh) 15-09-2020, Tender notice regarding Biomass Briquetting/Bio oil unit. Source : Uttarakhand Forest Government of Uttarakhand, Last Updated on 19-12-2020, Instructions regarding online Land Transfer Cases-20-04-2015, PROPOSAL WISE ORDERS RELATED TO FOREST LAND TRANSFER, वन दरोगाओं की दिनांक ०१.०७.२०१९ की स्थिति पर प्राप्त प्रत्यावेदन के निस्तारण हेतु बैठक का कार्यवृत्त, Antim Seniority List Of Chief Administrative Officer, Antim Seniority List Of Senior Administrative Officer, Antim Seniority List Of Administrative Officer. Important Notice-Fake Jobs in Uttarakhand forest department 03-03-2020 Forest Department Calendar-2020 01-01-2020 Page 1 of 1, each having 9 press releases out of a total 9 Print. 8. Contents of this website is owned, published and managed by Forest Department, Government of Uttarakhand. Area:53,483 sq.km. Final Seniority List of personnel in the cadre of Statistical Assistant / Statistical Investigator / Computer Operator Grade-II from 01-08-2006 to 30-11-2010 (Revised) Uttarakhand Forest Department Recruitment 2020 Free Job alert for both Fresher and Experienced Candidates updated on September 22, 2018. 02.09.2016 Orders Regarding 5 Payscales dated 27.06.2016 SENIORITY LIST OF Deputy Range Officers AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Forest Guard AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Deputy Rangers AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Auditor AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Driver AS ON 01-07-2017(Antim), SENIORITY LIST OF Head Assistant AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Head Draughtsman AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Personal Assistant AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Surveyor AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Accountant AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Additional Statistical Officer AS ON 01-07-2018, SENIORITY LIST OF Range Officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Forest Guard AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Junior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Add. Uttarakhand is a very precious state in the terms of natural resources like forests, rivers, wildlife, mountains and more. GST. - Nainital Gets India's First-Ever Moss Garden - List of … News. Source : NCC Directorate, Uttarakhand , Last Updated on 18-10-2019 The Uttarakhand state is emerging as an education hub. -->Anantim Seniority List of Deputy Ranger. NEW. The list of universities and autonomous institutes in Uttarakhand includes: Fax : 0135-2530170, 2530916 (Off.) Thousands of people are battling deadly forest fires in India's northern Himalayan state of Uttarakhand. Get Direct Official Link for applying Uttarakhand Forest Department Recruitment 2020 along with current Uttarakhand Forest Department Recruitment official Notification 2020 here. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. -->Anantim Seniority List Of Foresters dated 21-11-2019. Contents of this website is published and managed by Public Works Department, Uttarakhand, India. JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. To use standard view, enable JavaScript by changing your browser options, then try again. On May 11 th , 2012, to make this organization more efficient and dynamic, Board Of Revenue was created in place of the organization of Chief Revenue Commissioner. Population: 101.17 lakh Capital: Dehradun(Temporary) Districts: 13 Senority List of Agriculture Department Uttarakhand < Post-wise > 1. SENIORITY LIST OF DEPUTY RANGE OFFICER AS ON 01-07-2016, SENIORITY LIST OF PERSONAL OFFICER AS ON 01-07-2016, SENIORITY LIST OF SENIOR PERONAL ASSISTANT AS ON 01-07-2016, ENIORITY LIST OF SURVEYOR AS ON 01-07-2016. Anantim Seniority List Of Forest Guards. Cane Development and Sugar Industry, Government Of Uttarakhand, India JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. Fair Copy Supdt./ Sel Grade/ UD Typist. Final Seniority List Male-2010-11 to 2013-14 165 KB H.M. Located at the foothills of the Himalayan mountain ranges, it is largely a hilly State, having international boundaries … Advertisement for JRF:O/o Conservator/Working Plan Officer Unit-1(Kumaun Region) 04-12-2020, Question-55 Vidhan Sabha-Van Panchayat 22-09-2020, Application form for training of Bird /Nature Guide in growth center at Munsyari:O/o DFO(Pithoragarh) 15-09-2020, Tender notice regarding Biomass Briquetting/Bio oil unit. Final Seniority list of Senior Superintendents in Kerala Forest & Wildlife Department as on 10.10.2019 - reg.Order No.D3-5591/2019 Dated 07.03.2020 However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. seniority list of the officer of Statistical Officers in the . System for Assessment, Awareness & Training for Hospitality Industry - SAATHI An initiative of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India. Order - The year of allotment and inter-se-seniority of Shri Bhim Bahadur Gurung , promottee Indian Forest Service officer of Sikkim cadre, who has been appointed as IFS in Sikkim Cadre against the select list of 2018, order dated 27.11.2020 ( 368KB ) 05.10.2016 Amendments in Rajasthan Forest Service Rules, 1962 dt. Official Website of Uttarakhand Police Department, Government of Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand at a Glance. State level seniority list of Anti-Poaching Watchers as on 01.01.2019 - Order / List . The Mission of Uttarakhand Police is prevention and detection of crime, maintenance of law and order and efficient service delivery to citizens. Seniority List. (MD) No.1151 of 2017 Select List of Provisionally Promoted Range Forest Officers for the year 2014 and 2015. 21-11-2020. SENIORITY LIST OF Assistant Statistics Officer AS ON 01-07-2016. -->Antim Seniority List Of Senior Administrative Officer. Anantim Seniority List of various cadre-2019. Given the current COVID-19 outbreak, all hotels, restaurants and other hospitality units must take suitable measures to restrict any further transmission of the virus while providing accommodation and other services post lockdown. Uttarakhand was formed on 9th November 2000 as the 27th State of India, when it was carved out of northern Uttar Pradesh. The city of Dehradun has the highest number of centers of higher education. Public Works Department , Uttarakhand, India, PWD. Anantim Seniority List Of Foresters dated 21-11-2019. Nos.811, 812 and 877 of 2011 and W.A. Area:53,483 sq.km. Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant. Considering this as mode of communication, the said Seniority Lists are Antim Seniority List Of Assistant Accountan. Print. -->Anantim Seniority List of Junior Assistant. Population: 100.86 lakh Capital: Dehradun(Temporary) Districts: 13 Literacy Rate: 78.80% Latitude: 28°43' N to 31°27' N Seniority List Female-2016-17 Tantative 24 KB Final Seniority list of personnel in the cadres of Fair Copy Superintendents, Selection Grade Typists, Senior Grade Typists and UD Typists. Phone: 0141-2713840, 2713902. email: apccf.it.forest@rajasthan.gov.in, acp.it.forest@rajasthan.gov.in . HOME : SENIORITY LISTS OF EMPLOYEES: Updated tentative seniority list of +2 Lecturers of School Education Department as on 01-07-2020: Final Seniority list of qualified CPW's/LFPW's of District Kupwara as it stood on 10-11-2020 30-05-2020, Inviting Contribution(Article/Paper/Notes) for New Section in Indian Forester Journal named "Best Practices". Share Via Email. Advisory for Dealing with Import of Exotic life species in India and Declaration of Stock. Source : Agriculture Department Govt. Spread across an area of around 10 ha has been developed by the research wing of the state’s forest department. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Contents of this website is owned, published and managed by Forest Department, Government of Uttarakhand. SENIORITY LIST OF Forest Guard AS ON 01-07-2017 (Antim) SENIORITY LIST OF Deputy Range Officer AS ON 01-07-2017. Karnataka Forest News March 2020. SENIORITY LIST OF DRIVERS-PAYBAND I,II,III,IV AS ON 01-07-2016. of Uttarakhand after placing the petitioner at proper place. Indian Forest Service - Appointment, Confirmation and Year of Allotment - Orders. Phone: 0141-2713840, 2713902. email: apccf.it.forest@rajasthan.gov.in, acp.it.forest@rajasthan.gov.in . The city of Dehradun has the highest number of centers of higher education. Uttarakhand Forest Department. 30-05-2020, Inviting Contribution(Article/Paper/Notes) for New Section in Indian Forester Journal named "Best Practices". -->Antim Seniority List Of Assistant Accountant. SENIORITY LIST OF RANGE OFFICER AS ON 01-07-2016. Seniority List JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. Forest Department of Uttarakhand is the department which is responsible for managing the forest area and biodiversity of Uttarakhand. Shri Janmaijai Prabhakar Kailash RR-2007 Shri Santhil Avodai Krishna Raj.S. Historical Background. A report containing details of all these species was realised by research wing of Uttarakhand state forest department on Sunday. Seniority List Female- 2014-15 t0 2015-16 Tentative 34.5 KB H.M. Interactive Online Wildinar Series. Of Uttarakhand, Last Updated on 29-08-2020 Contents of this Portal is published and managed by School Education Department, Government of Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand Forest Department will recruit 300 Forest Guards soon. Forest Divisions Introduction. The Principal Secretary, Forest & Environment, 2 Government of Uttarakhand had issued a Government Order dated 05.09.2013 in respect of posting of the Forest Range Officers of the Forest Department against the vacant posts. PHONE DIRECTORY Directorate Of Economics & Statistics Planning Department, Government Of Uttarakhand, Last … Promotion List- (HCVS)/Constable To Head Constable ; Promotion list- Sub-Inspector (Intelligence) To In .. 1 and 2 be further directed to promote the petitioner to the post of Deputy Director, Statistics. -->Senior Personal Assistant and Personal Assistant. SENIORITY LIST OF Van Aarkshi AS ON 01-07-2018. Hit Counter 0000884416 Since: 04-02-2013 . Population: 101.17 lakh Capital: Dehradun(Temporary) Districts: 13 Moss Garden, Khurpatal houses around 30 different species of moss and certain other bryophyte species. Economic and Statistics Officer (7.4 MB ... आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण 2018-19; more » Green Accounting of Forest Resource; SDG . Print. -->Seniority List of various Cadres.-->Service Rules of Various Cadres. JavaScript must be enabled in order for you to use the Site in standard view. New recruitment may include candidates who have filled applications for 1218 posts earlier. The geographical area of the state is 53483 sq.km and the terrain and topography of the state is largely hilly with large areas under snow cover and steep slopes. INDIAN POLICE SERVICE UTTARAKHAND CADRE SENIORITY LISTS IGP DIG. Secretary to the Govt. Forest Department,J&K. SENIORITY LIST OF DRAUGHTSMAN AS ON 01-07-2016. Anantim Seniority List of Senior Assistant. SENIORITY LIST OF JUNIOR ASSISTANT AS ON 01-07-2016, SENIORITY LIST OF ASSISTANT STATISTICAL OFFICER AS ON 01-07-2016. Seniority List Female-2016-17 Tantative 24 KB -->Anantim Seniority List of Senior Assistant. Seniority list of 156 SI Civil Police (Direct Recr .. Uttarakhand Police SI/Inspector (Civil Police/Int) .. 38 talking about this. To maintain its green beauty and richness of forests, Uttarakhand Forest department fills up Forests Guards, Rangers, Officers and other Group C,D vacancies all round the year. SENIORITY LIST OF SENIOR AUDITOR AS ON 01-07-2016. Uttarakhand Forest Government Jobs Uttarakhand has the richest and vast diversity of forest land. Final Seniority List of AOS (TSP and NON-TSP) as on 19.04.2017: June 6, 2017: 13: Final Seniority List of AOS (NON-TSP) as on 19.04.2017: Seniority List of Foresters as on 01-07-2015 as per Hn'ble High Court Judgement, SENIORITY LIST OF Forest Guard AS ON 01-07-2016, SENIORITY LIST OF Ranger AS ON 01-07-2016. Uttarakhand Forest Government Jobs Uttarakhand has the richest and vast diversity of forest land. SENIORITY LIST OF Deputy Ranger AS ON 01-07-2016. Department Circular and Orders Govt. APCCF - IT. In this section View the List of Forest Divisions Under State and Circles Click on this icon for View Forest Ranges . CONTACT US: Uttarakhand Irrigation Department Engineer In Chief Yamuna Colony Dehradun 248001. (Antim) SENIORITY LIST OF Junior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017. The list of universities and autonomous institutes in Uttarakhand includes: -->Antim Seniority List Of Administrative Officer. Email : hodcamp.id@gmail.com Accountants > Assistant Accountant Final Seniority List (Part-3) Dated 21 Jan 2017 (456KB) > Senority List as on 13 July 2010 (2.1MB) > Senority List as on 06 Jan 2018 > Provisional Seniority List of Accountant Doc No 754 dated 17-05-2019 2. New Delhi: India’s first moss garden was inaugurated in at Khurpatal in Uttarakhand’s Nainital district on Saturday. Post Vacant List In Industries Department. -->Antim Seniority List Of Forest Guards. Panel of Forest Guard by transfer from the Members of Tamil Nadu Basic Service in Forest Department for the year 2018-19 (Updated on 23.09.2020 at 7.45 AM) State level seniority list of Anti-Poaching Watchers as on 01.01.2019 - Order / List CE's Promotions List on Dated 24-02-2020 Wild Karnataka; WWF India's One Earth One Home; A Tribute to Forest Martyrs of KFD; KFD E-Evaluation Videos No.D3-60027/2017/FHQ dated 14.06.2018 Population: 100.86 lakh Capital: Dehradun(Temporary) Districts: 13 Literacy Rate: 78.80% Latitude: 28°43' N to 31°27' N APCCF - IT. To maintain its green beauty and richness of forests, Uttarakhand Forest department fills up Forests Guards, Rangers, Officers and other Group C,D vacancies all round the year. For any queries regarding this portal please contact Web Information Manager. Directorate of higher education was established in the Uttarakhand on July 2001, At present 79336 students are Enrolled in U.G and P.G Courses in Kumoun and Gharwal University Print. Anantim Seniority List Of Assistant Accountant, Anantim Seniority List Of Additional Statistical Officer, Anantim Seniority List Of Administrative Officer, Anantim Seniority List Of Senior Administrative Officer, Anantim Seniority List Of Chief Administrative Officer, Anantim Seniority List Of Chief Personal Officer. For any queries regarding this website please contact Web Information Manager. The organizational set up of agriculture in India started with the Department of Revenue and Agriculture and commerce in 1871 during the period of Lord Mayo (Governor- General of India). 6377 dated 28/03/2018-Extension of date for submitting the statement in FORM GST TRAN-2 under rule 117(4)(b)(iii) of Uttarakhand GST Rules, 2017. 2 department of Forest of Govt. Select List. Seniority List Female- 2014-15 t0 2015-16 Tentative 34.5 KB H.M. Civil List; Seniortiy List; Promotion Orders; Transfer Orders; Management Plan; Working Plan; Annual Reports; Forms; Journals; Publications; Notifications; CONTACT; VIDEOS. SENIORITY LIST OF Head Draughtsman AS ON 01-07-2016, SENIORITY LIST OF Junior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2016, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2016, SENIORITY LIST OF Surveyor AS ON 01-07-2016. NCC Directorate Uttarakhand, India. Area:53,483 sq.km. Contents of this website is owned, published and managed by Forest Department, Government of Uttarakhand. Anual Transfer List (New) After the creation of the new state, the organization of Chief Revenue Commissioner was established in the revenue department. Final Seniority List of AOS (TSP and NON-TSP) as on 19.04.2017: June 6, 2017: 13: Final Seniority List of AOS (NON-TSP) as on 19.04.2017: June 6, 2017: 14: DDP Provisional Seniority List 01-04-2017: Jun 16, 2017: 15: Antim Seniority List Of Junior Assistant. SENIORITY LIST OF HEAD DRAUGHTSMAN AS ON 01-07-2016. Portal is designed, developed and hosted by [] PHONE DIRECTORY Name : Mr. Mukesh Bahuguna Designation : Project Co-ordinator, Uttarakhand Education Portal Department : Directorate Of Elementary Education, Uttarakhand, Dehradun Phone No : 9412029617 Portal : educationportal.uk.gov.in Email : dirse-edu-uk[at]nic[dot]in, edu_ua[at]yahoo[dot]in dirse-edu-uk[at]nic[dot]in, edu_ua[at]yahoo[dot]in Select List of eligible Senior Superintendents for appointment by promotion to the cadre Administrative Assistant. Uttarakhand at a Glance. Area:53,483 sq.km. Area:53,483 sq.km. Share Via Email. Uttarakhand Government Portal, India. Anantim Seniority List of Head Assistants. (July 2019) Seniority No. -->Chief Personal Officer and Personal Officer. -->Antim Seniority List Of Head Assistant. Final Seniority List of DCF as on 01.04.2014 dt. Anantim Seniority List of Junior Assistant. -->Anantim Seniority List of Head Assistants. For any queries regarding this website please contact Web Information Manager. However, it seems JavaScript is either disabled or not supported by your browser. Agriculture Department, Government Of Uttarakhand, India. -->Anantim Seniority List Of Assistant Accountant, -->Anantim Seniority List Of Additional Statistical Officer, -->Anantim Seniority List Of Administrative Officer, -->Anantim Seniority List Of Senior Administrative Officer, -->Anantim Seniority List Of Chief Administrative Officer, -->Anantim Seniority List Of Chief Personal Officer. -->Antim Seniority List Of Chief Administrative Officer. Inter-se-seniority list of Forest Guards / Forest Guards with Driving Licence from 2002 to 2017 as per Hon'ble High Court Order dated 17.04.2018 in W.A. SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Draughtsman AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Chief Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Junior Assistant AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior administration Officer AS ON 01-07-2017, SENIORITY LIST OF Senior Auditor AS ON 01-07-2017. Antim Seniority List Of Chief Personal Officer & Personal Officer. Was formed on 9th November 2000 AS the 27th state of India, PWD Click on this icon for Forest... 2011 and W.A promotion List- Sub-Inspector ( Intelligence ) to in Rajasthan Forest Rules. Of Senior Administrative Officer browser options, then try again applications for 1218 earlier. Department of Forest & Environment, Anubhag-I, Civil Secretariat, Subhash,... Power project Amendments uttarakhand forest department seniority list Rajasthan Forest Service - appointment, Confirmation and year Allotment! Forest Guard will be recruited in Uttarakhand has the highest number of of! 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